Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome to the blog!

Welcome to the author blog for the IBM DataPower SOA Appliance Handbook. We've spent the last nine months working on a guide for the owners and users of DataPower appliances to better understand and more efficiently use their devices in real world settings. The author team has worked with DataPower appliances at hundreds of customers across the country and around the world, and has focused the knowledge we've gained into this one-stop-shop for all the most useful tidbits. If you are thinking about investing in DataPower appliances for your enterprise, or if you already own the devices and just want to understand them a little better, this Handbook will provide architectural and technical discussions, useful examples, and helpful tips and tricks along the way.

This blog consists of our insight and analysis into the development of the book itself, the reasoning behind some of the topics and chapters covered within it, and some suggestions for making the most of this new resource. We hope you enjoy the book and the blog, and we welcome comments, suggestions, and other interactive feedback.


Rob Leland said...

I am hoping to see information on handling log file sizes greater than 2K. I have the DP_Loggers example, and needed to use something like this in a production environment.
Is this code any where near ready for a production environment ?

John Rasmussen said...

Hey Rob

Hey that's my java code!

So, to answer your question, it’s been used by many organizations over several years. So you can be assured that it has had the test of time.

However it is not supported by me or anyone else, or IBM for that matter. It’s provided as is.
